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Author: Tra Mi Do

The Legacy I Want to Leave Here

The Legacy I Want to Leave Here 

By Tra Mi Do 

I never really thought about leaving behind my own legacy that I want others to learn about, but as I pondered more and more about the type of legacy I want I realized that throughout my entire life I’ve always wished to have been understood. Therefore, I would like to leave behind my thoughts and moral principles that have gotten me this far. So that in my last moments I can be understood once more: 

I have never given up three hobbies of mine since childhood, because they are the little things in my life that help me make big decisions. I journal and scrapbook, I love to have organized collections, and crafting! 

  • You should always appreciate the little things in life before making big decisions. Sometimes the little things that you do to live to enjoy your life will not be there anymore as you grow older.

My dad has always told me to earn my own living and financial stability honestly so that no one can look down on me, because of being exposed to this mentality I have always strived to be in a stable design career no matter how hard it was and to never lose what was precious to me in the process. 

  •  You should strive and learn about the positions you want in life, but never to disregard the little things that make you happy in life as well.

I have learned from my mother that later in life that your peace is too expensive to be traded for time that will never come back to you. 

  • If what you do costs you your peace. It is too expensive for you. 

Planning for the week can get you to wonder what you’ll be doing for one year..two years..and more. You should always have a planner. I have 3 different kinds! One for my work and internships, one for my social and errands, and one for the bills. 

  • Planning is fun, but it won’t always be smooth. It reflects your way of control in life. 

One last thing I’d like to leave behind are principles I have developed since I have graduated from tirelessly attending art school. 

The Creative Process Illustration By Tra Mi
  • Sometimes creativity in a piece doesn’t have to be witty, it just has to exactly visualize how you think and communicate. Your brain is very popular with the masses. 
  • The creative process involves you breaking down aspects of what inspires you and reconstructing what you like about it into a concept that could be understood. 
  • Thumbnailing is important. It is like a blueprint as to how you will visualize the final. 
  • Build connections with your close peers. Peers that you like or even don’t like. 
  • Build connections with your professors sooner than most so that they can vouch to let you earn college credits as you intern at companies that you may like. So that you can build experience as soon as possible. 
  • College arts just conditions you how to visualize your creative process effectively, gaining experience in the industry is the most important step you should not miss.


I have always enjoyed living and appreciating what’s around me, so I never thought to leave behind a legacy for others. At this moment in time, I think the greatest legacy that one could leave is an understanding to how you lived and how you loved. I thank those that have taught me that and have gotten me this far in life. 

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